Cashless payment is the trend

09.Jun 2023 | Company | Products

Cashless payment, also known as electronic payment or digital payment, is an increasingly popular method of making purchases and is becoming more and more important in Germany. In 2022, the share of cashless transactions rose from 63% in 2021 to 73%. Instead of cash, consumers can use credit or debit cards, mobile payment platforms or other electronic payment methods to pay quickly and easily in restaurants and shops.

Consumers appreciate cashless payments

In many situations, more and more consumers are doing without carrying large amounts of cash around with them and are increasingly using digital means of payment. This is particularly useful for larger purchases or in situations where cash is not available. But even small amounts are increasingly being paid without cash. Customers appreciate the convenience, security and speed, especially in connection with contactless payments. In addition, many credit card providers offer sales-based bonus programs or rewards. This can be an additional incentive to use cashless payment.

Acceptance of cashless payments offers many advantages

You too can respond to this trend in your business and benefit from numerous advantages such as time and cost savings compared to time-consuming and error-prone cash handling. Card payments always generate an electronic receipt and thus simplify the tracking and fiscal recording of transactions. They can also serve international customers and travelers thanks to almost worldwide acceptance.

Simple cashless payment with bluepos® pay

Of course, industry-specific requirements such as tip requests can also be easily integrated into the digital payment process. With bluepos®, we offer numerous cashless payment solutions for all POS operators in the catering and retail sectors: for example, discover our versatile payment terminals and attractive buepos® pay tariffs for cashless payment and benefit from increased customer satisfaction.